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Tuesday 30 December 2014

LSD Presents: The Very Best of 2014

It has been ten months since the inception of Learn Ship Design, and though we are in our baby steps, the year has been full of adventure, undoubtedly because of the support of readers like you. It was with your trust that we have grown, and today we are read by engineers and students belonging to more than 30 countries. We want to THANK YOU for the incredible year. 

Before you read further, we have something special for you. We are launching a series for our Facebook readers. And here's what we call it: LSD FACT CARDSBe there for the official launch on New Year's Eve.

As a gesture or gratitude, we wanted to share with you, our best from the year. Here are the 'Greatest Hits' of 2014 from our Blog.

Top 10 Most Read Articles:
We also interviewed three great personalities in the maritime industry:
  1. Interview with Parks Stephenson (Forensic Analyst, Titanic)
  2. Interview with Dr. Stephen Payne (Naval Architect, Queen Mary 2)
  3. Interview with Dr. Piyush Raj (Country Head, DNV-GL, India)
For our Facebook Page readers, we have made it a point that you learn something new on ship design every day. And we have done it in an interactive way through:

- Team Learn Ship Design.

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