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Sunday 23 March 2014

Risk - Based Ship Design (Part One)

In one of my previous articles, I wrote on how innovative the maritime industry isGetting a step deeper into discussing the design methodologies used in the industry to maintain the levels of safety at par with innovation, this series is on "Risk - Based Ship Design" - A design methodology which treats Safety as an Objective and not a Constraint.

I felt it would be better to get along with the fundamentals of this design methodology, before actually getting into the intricacies (which will be dealt with in the further parts of this series). I tried my best to make the introduction as easy and interactive as possible, through the prezi below. 

It is reccommended to view the presentation in fullscreen mode. Please wait for the prezi to load before viewing it. You can either manually advance the slides or set it on automatic transition for least efforts.


Article By: Soumya Chakraborty

Author's Note: The next parts of this series shall be based on design considerations and methodologies used in Risk - Based Ship Design. Thank You for reading. In case of any doubts or feedbacks please comment or write to

1 comment:

  1. It looks good to me and I can't wait to read other parts of this post, going to bookmark this blog to read more such posts. Thank you for sharing it with us and keep posting more such posts
