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Saturday 15 February 2014

Our Vision

Ships have been, and still are the most efficient machines facilitating trade in the world. Ever since the first wooden boats transformed their efficiency and size into steel ships, the design of these marine structures have been evolving every now and then, based not only on the varying amount of trade, but also depending on technical obstacles faced in the available designs. Design, Operation and Maintenance of ships and marine structures require a blend of a wide spectra of engineering disciplines, coupled with economic and market analyses. It is due to these widespread applications in the process that the profession of Naval Architecture has evolved from being focused in the architecture of ships to a conglomeration of mechanical, civil, structural and hydrodynamic engineering along with disciplines of engineering economics. 

Today, Naval Architects are the most important people responsible for the design, production, operation and maintenance of ships, offshore structures, submarines and other marine structures. That is because, professionals in this discipline have practiced the art of blending technology with economics and ergonomic needs.

Education and Research in this discipline is practiced in universities all over the world today. With more challenges already piling up on the list, it happens to be the budding Naval Architects, Marine Engineers and Hydrodynamists who will be the minds behind the best innovations in the sphere of marine technology.
Learn Ship Design is the world’s pioneering initiative of a dedicated team of Naval Architects to share and bring to light the technological aspects of the maritime field. Today, a kid knows less about ships than he would about planes, space crafts or robots. Not because students don’t like to know about ships or because planes whiz through the air and that robots can help make their morning drinks. It is due to a lack of sharing of knowledge, facts, technology and possibilities that one could find related to the technology on the seas. We know less than two percent about the space, and guess how much have we known about seas and oceans? Lesser.

At LSD, we try to share everything one would want to or possibly afford to know about marine technology whether it is related to ships, submarines, offshore oil rigs or the behaviour of the oceans. We encourage passionate children, students, budding engineers, and professionals to not only learn from this but share the same. 

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