Fig.1: Plimsoll Line and
various loadlines
(Courtesy: www.rhiw.com ) |
you know about the different kinds of ships in existence today and how the
cargo or the method of loading or unloading determines the class of ship
Among merchant ships today, the largest are the Containers, the ones
with the bulk cargo (Bulk Carriers) and the tankers. Speaking in terms of
deadweight, these ships range from somewhere around 50,000 DWT in Handymax
Carriers to a whopping 5,50,000 DWT ULCC’s (Probably among the largest man-made
objects around).
Having said about the magnitude of things here, let us
concentrate on a part of the ship, or rather a certain mark on the ship hull
having a centre-dashed circle and vertical lines with branches on both sides
and a horizontal line on top.
Fig.2: Samuel Plimsoll
(Courtesy: Getty Images ) |
the early 19th Century, there used to be ships which were loaded to
such great draughts and hence such less freeboard that they were at great risks
of being drowned in rough seas. Such ships carried crew who risked their lives
every time they went to the sea. Actually these ships were worth more to their
owners if they drowned than they would have been had they actually completed
their journey! This was because these ships were ‘over insured’ and the owners
who would gain from the insurance money, took advantage of the situation during
that time.
It was not until this Gentleman named Samuel Plimsoll, a coal
merchant who had written a popular book on disasters of ship overloading,
started campaigning for safety at seas. Ultimately, his efforts paid off and
the load lines became compulsory in British ships and spread worldwide over.
Today they have been standardized and are visible on the ship hull as given in
this photo. Let us try to understand these markings.
of all, think about it, when large ships travel very long distances, they pass
through oceans, the largest of seas, and sometimes, through freshwater passages
in between. Now, if you remember, this means that they will be passing through
different climates and different densities of water, also the salinity in sea
water is also a factor to be considered. The ship’s weight, for all normal
purposes would not change as much, but the different densities mean that the
pressure would vary from seawater to freshwater, and so the immersed volume and
draughts would change accordingly. The vessel would float to deeper depth in
fresher water than in seawater. Now from certain calculations, we can find out
the depths for each climatic or geographic condition directly from one primary
load line. This primary load line as in almost all cases is the Summer load
line. Together these are a shorthand representation of the freeboard of the
same ship in different seas on Earth.
a look at this screenshot from our Prezi on Plimsoll Lines, we will take each
of them at a time. First, starting from the top, we have the deck line, which
by convention is of 300 mm length and 25 mm breadth, for that reason all such
lines are of same thickness. But the other horizontal lines are of 230 mm length. These marks are inverted on the other side of the ship
deck line is placed at exact intersection of the freeboard deck with the outer
shell of hull plating. In case you want to mark the deck line, which serves as a
reference to be place somewhere else, you will have to correct the freeboard
calculation accordingly.
below the Deck line, we have what is called the load line mark which passes through
the disc of outer diameter 300 mm, called the Plimsoll Disc. The upper edge of
the line passes through the centre of the disc. The vertical line is placed a distance of 540 mm from the center of the plimsoll disc. From this, the load lines stretch on both sides to a length of 230 mm each.
is the primary load line from which the other load lines are derived, the
International Maritime Organization under the Load Lines Convention specifies
certain rules for calculation of freeboards and their implementation under
supervision of classification societies and flag states. This load line mark’s
position depends on many factors such as length of ship, superstructures, terms
linked with overall raking of the fore body and so on. These have been standardized and can be obtained from Freeboard Tables which look somewhat like this.
Fig.5: Freeboard Table for ships of 'A'-type
(Courtesy:Load Lines, 1966/1988 - International Convention on Load Lines,1966,as Amended by the Protocol of 1988) |
Certain formulae are used to correct this freeboard in case values of draught slightly deviates from assumptions (T>L/15) or similar corrections accounting for block co-efficient, height of superstructures, etc. For
the purpose of such calculations, ships have been classified as type A & B.
There are certain factors which decide this like the type of cargo, watertight
spaces, permeability of cargo compartments, etc.
Now here's the interesting part. Refer to Fig.4 or for that matter, to any Plimsoll Lines on a ship. How are each of those loadline marks obtained? Are the vertical distances between each of the different draughts different for different ships? Or are they same? Well, read on.
tropical load line is obtained by an addition from the summer draught (considered T hereinafter) measured
from keel to the centre of Plimsoll Disc by amount 1/48th of T. That is, it is T/48 above the Summer Load Waterline (S).
is marked above the Summer Load Waterline (S) by the following amount:
Δ is the mass displacement
in salt water (in tonnes) at the summer load line.
T is the tonnes per centimeter immersion in salt water at
the summer load waterline.( The TPC for any draught is the mass which must be
loaded or discharged to change a ship’s mean draught in salt water by one centimeter)
it becomes difficult to find out whether freshwater and tropical freshwater are
the same things, the position of the latter line relative to former is found in same
manner as that of summer load line and tropical summer load line.
The tropical freshwater mark (TF) is always marked at (T + F) above the Summer Load Waterline (S).
The winter load line is obtained this time by a deduction from the Summer Load Waterline (S), an amount of T/48. That is, it lies T/48 below the Summer Load Waterline.
a vessel is bound to enter any part of the North Atlantic Ocean during its
winter period an additional load line called the WNA load line is assigned 50
millimetres below the winter mark. By default, it is same as the winter mark
(W) for other ships. A separate WNA mark is present only on vessels that donot exceed length of 100 m.
LOAD LINES (Used on Ships with TImber Freeboards)
Fig.6: The Timber Load Lines for vessels
with deck timber cargo
(Courtesy: 1873 issue of Vanity Fair(edited)) |
Now, take a look at the left side of the vertical line,
there another set of load lines with an additional ‘L’ prefixed to them, these
are called the Timber Load Line Marks or ‘L’ for Lumber Load Line Marks. These
are additional load lines assigned to certain vessels which carry timber deck
cargo and are granted additional freeboard as this ship will have greater
buoyancy and protection against the sea and waves. These are analogous to
normal load lines and are calculated similarly from the Summer Timber load
draught (This value is supplied in the table from the convention), the only
exception that Winter Timber load line is 1/36th of the Summer
Timber Load Draught below the Summer Timber load line. The displacement used in
the formula is that of the vessel at her Summer Timber Load Draught.
Some vessels like Ro-Ro ships and Passenger Vessels have sub
divisional load lines which are nothing but load lines for different loading
conditions based on passengers and cargo, in any case, the these should not be
above the deepest load line in salt water.
There is one more thing which you must have seen on the
load line mark passing through the disk (450 mm in length) which seems to bear the initials ‘NK’,
this is called the ‘Mark of assigning Authority’. They tell you which
Classification Society has surveyed the load line. The initials used include AB
for the American Bureau of Shipping, LR
for Lloyd's Register and IR for the Indian Register of Shipping and so on.
Load Line Convention rules do not apply to certain kinds of vessels like the warships,
new ships of 24 length or less or those existing ones of less than 150 GT, even
the yachts not engaged in trade and for that reason fishing vessels. Certain Geographical
regions are free from the observations of the Convention. Definitely, these
lines have made our life safer at seas and international trade fairer.
It often becomes tough for us to memorize the Plimsoll Lines unless we have a good on-ship experience or good experience in working on a ship design project. For Naval Architects, it is highly important to have a clear view of the Plimsoll Lines, and the following Prezi is an attempt to make that easier for you:
Wait till the Prezi loads. Once loaded, you need to click on the arrow or use your arrow keys to watch the Prezi. It is recommended you watch it in Full Screen Mode for the best view. LSD